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motion design | illustrations | product design | | videoedits | storytelling | production | script writing | photography | videography | infographics


A car in a car service and garage in the air on a tool
A man in a car service assembling tools together
A gif of a moving car device from the front and back
A gif of a moving car device from the front and back
A tattood man smiling in a car garage and car service working on a computer


Dlhodobá spolupráca pre Connected Cars, dánsku firmu s digitálnymi nástrojmi pre predajcov áut.


Starostlivosť o firemnú vizuálnu časť marketingu a predaja. Od grafiky a tlačených materiálov cez produkciu fotení a natáčaní po post-produkciu.

klientove vnútro preložené do reality

Racionálne a faktovo vziať do ruky stratégiu a podľa brand guildines obohatiť firmu o vizuálne a praktické materiály. So silnou marketingovou stratégiou sa výsledky potenciálnych zákazníkov za celý rok dostavili už v prvej kvóte.

car and van next to computer exchanging data and information
cars with different money value and its depreciation
blue white grey cars with its battery status appearing on the screan
car data going correct and not correct
diploma of connected cars certificate of completion of training
Transparent GIF Connected Car Logo blue
Carlo Pasquali Connected Cars
A man standing and smiling in a black shirt and glasses corporate
Jakob Fokdal Filippson
Connected Cars Device
Connected Cars Device
A picture of a big storage place with boxes and woman passing by
A man in a car service garage fixing a car handing in the air
Illustration of a line
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